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In this site you will learn a lot more about the operations
administration of the Education Service Delivery
in Milne Bay Province.
The Education Division through the Provincial Education Board is mandated under the Provincial Education Law 2011, to develop a provincial education plan. The development of this new Provincial Education Plan 2016 - 2020 responds directly to the National Medium Term Development Plan 2011- 2015 and Development Strategic Plan 2010 - 2030 with focus to achieve the desired targets espoused in PNG Vision 2050 and the global goals of integral human development.
This Plan aligns with other national plans including the National Department of Education Plan 2015-2019, Education Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2030, Universal Basic Education 2010-2019 and the Milne Bay Provincial Integrated Provincial Development Plan 2016-2020.
Milne Bay Provincial Education Plan 2016 to 2020 was formulated and put together with the support of many individuals. Therefore, the Provincial Education Board wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the Provincial Education Planning committee, the District Administrators, District Education Administrators and District and Local Level Government Representatives who have provided immense ideas, directions and have given moral support towards the development of this five year Provincial Education Plan.